Please consult our Customer Service about the CIF for specific items. We will clarify the terms and conditions right away when we start our negotiation, and to get everything in writing, so there is never any doubt on what has been agreed upon. If you are confused which Incoterms is better for in terms of costs, trade margins, supply chain efficiencies, time limits, etc, our sales experts could help!custom candy tins Nice-Can Manufacturing Co., Ltd has proven over time to be an outstanding supplier of high-quality biscuit tins that is both consistent and predictable. The cosmetic tins series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The production of Nice-Can tobacco tin strictly adheres to the latest international standards. A low self-discharge rate is one of its biggest selling points. Its anode and cathode materials, as well as the electrolyte types, features high purity and quality, which makes it less vulnerable to self-discharge. Nice-Can continuously optimizes our service system and improve the quality and performance of money tin. Get an offer!