Never hesitate to contact us once you think you have received imperfect custom tea tins. We would appreciate much that if you provide us with the inspection report as soon as possible issued by an entrusted third party to prove the quality of the product. Then, we will verify and review every manufacturing process to find out the problems. Among the manufacturing factories, we have to admit that though we always stick to the business principle of "quality first" and ensure a high qualification ratio, we can not avoid the occurrence of some mistakes which may lead to the fact that few imperfections delivered to customers. Please understand and we will deliver you exactly the same products agreed by both parties.

Nice-Can Manufacturing Co., Ltd, reputable and experienced, has an outstanding capacity in developing, manufacturing, and marketing of cake storage tins. wine
tin box produced by Nice-Can is very popular in the market. The raw materials Nice-Can cookie tin manufacturers uses are from reliable suppliers who are well-known in their own industry. The product features low internal impedance. The surface of its conductive substrate has been treated to enhance its static conductivity and collect microcurrent of the active material.

While Nice-Can is striving to become the world's leading soap tin supplier, we are able to do our best. Get quote!