How many custom tin lunch boxes are produced by Nice-Can per month?

Based on the collected data from the sales department, the monthly output of Nice-Can Manufacturing Co., Ltd varies from various factors. While focusing on working on the most attractive design and manufacturing the high-performance products, we also improve ourselves in production capacity and efficiency. For those special orders which require large volumes and urgent schedule, we ensure that we can finish them in a very efficient and precise way. On the whole, the sales volume of custom tin lunch boxes experiences a stable increase with the time passing by.
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Over the past years, Nice-Can has expanded its business into candy tins manufacturing, building a future-oriented business portfolio. wine tin box produced by Nice-Can is very popular in the market. Nice-Can medical tin comprises of the materials which are readily available in the market. Compared with other promotional tin companies, our company is more technical, more value-conscious and have a large number of outstanding R&D talents.
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Our service on biscuit tins production is very reliable among domestic and foreign customers. Welcome to visit our factory!

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